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Career after graduation - outgoing orientation

Career opportunities

The Master's Degree aims to provide graduates with an in-depth knowledge of the most advanced chemical issues, in order to address the most wide range of problems in the socio-economic, medical-health, environmental, and industrial sectors, thus facilitating their entry into the world of production and research.


A few useful links


Job Orientation and Job Placement

The Placement service enhances the outgoing orientation services of the University's schools, which include the Career service and the Placement Desk.

Section of the University website for Job-placement Placement

Section of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences website (Orientamento in uscita: orientamento al lavoro e Job Placement | Orientamento | Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali | UniFI)

University Service Centre for Research Enhancement and University Incubator Management (CsaVRI)




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