Naviga nel sito della Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali

General University Information


PhD courses is the third cycle of education provided for in the Italian academic system and is functional for the acquisition of the skills necessary to undertake highly qualified research activities at universities, public bodies and private entities.

Doctorate courses are accessed by taking part in a competitive examination.

Job Orientation and Job Placement

The Occupational Guidance and Job Placement (OJP) service promotes, supports and enhances the outgoing guidance services of the individual Faculties.

OJP offers students and graduates information and training for the construction of their professional identity and career planning.

State exams

The State examinations take place in two sessions each year and begin on the same dates throughout the country and at university venues designated annually by order of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.


It is a database that collects extensive documentation on all graduates and diploma holders from the universities that are members of the Almalaurea association. The purpose of the database is to facilitate young people's access to the world of work, to facilitate companies in their search for staff, and to minimise the time required to match supply and demand for skilled workers.

Schools of Specialisation

Postgraduate schools are schools for the award, following graduation, of diplomas in the branches of professional practice for the qualification of specialist. They are official university courses with mandatory attendance, lasting at least two years. Those who pass the final examination are awarded the specialist diploma.

Postgraduate Administrative Office

The Secretariat handles all administrative paperwork concerning the careers of students enrolled on postgraduate courses

Specialisation courses

The specialisation courses represent a pathway for in-depth academic and discipline-specific updating.




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