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Course Quality and Standards

The Quality Assurance (QA) system includes all processes by which the University of Florence promotes the quality of its institutional activities (teaching, research, and third mission/social impact) through planning, implementing, monitoring, and constantly reviewing the activities, with a continuous improvement perspective.


Course quality assurance is mainly carrying out by the Committee for Direction, the Joint Committee, the Heads of the Boards of Studies, and by the Evaluation Committee.


Committee for Direction

The Committee for Direction is established by Article 11/4 of Ministerial Decree 509/1999. It is a committee for the periodic and permanent consultation of the world of production, services, and professions.

Its missions concern:

- the examination of education projects and the revision of courses of study;

- the support of incoming, ongoing, and, if necessary, post-degree students, and the monitoring of educational courses offered.


Joint Committee

The organisation of the Quality Assurance system about teaching activity also involves the related structures (Departments, Schools, Courses of Study). At the School level, considered as the structure for the connection and coordination of the educational offer, there is the Joint Teachers-Students Commission.

The Joint Teachers-Student Committee is the permanent observatory of teaching activities. It is composed of a representative number of lecturers and an equal number of students appointed on the proposal of the School's respective Course Councils. The Joint Teachers-Student Committee is governed by the University's Regulations for Schools on the "Statutes and Regulations" page.

Statute and Regulations | University | Università degli Studi di Firenze | UniFI


Report by the Heads of the Boards of Studies


Some of the information in the annual course report is published on the Universitaly portal The contents of the annual course report frameworks are updated annually according to the schedule defined by the Ministry.



In order to meet the accreditation requirements, each year the degree course carries out a self-assessment activity on the Annual Monitoring report, which is based on the data published by ANVUR regarding the number of enrolment in the degree course, regularity of the study, graduation of students, entry into the world of work, internationalisation and qualitative/quantitative teaching indicators. This report must be approved by the degree course Council and published on the portal.



The Cyclical Review is requested by ANVUR at intervals not exceeding five years. More frequent intervals may occur during the periodic accreditation, at the request of the Evaluation Board, at the initiative of the Degree Course in the event of major anomalies in the indicators, or in cases where major changes are made in the Degree Course structure. The periodic review is prepared by the Review Committee, discussed and approved by the Degree Course Council, and published on the portal


Teaching activity evaluation

The survey of students, undergraduates' and graduates' opinions on teaching and related support services is organised and monitored by the University Quality Presidium, according to ANVUR directives.

For all degree and master's degree courses, an online service is available for filling out the appropriate evaluation form.

University Reference Page on  Student Opinion Survey (ROS) Valutazione della didattica | Didattica | Università degli Studi di Firenze | UniFI


For more information on how to fill in the form, see the dedicated page Evaluation of teaching activity | Courses | Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Chimiche | UniFI

Students' Teaching Evaluation Sheets can be consulted at this link link 


Chemistry Master degree course evaluation


Listening Point - suggestions and complaints from the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences  (Punto di ascolto -segnalazioni suggerimenti reclami | Scuola | Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali | UniFI)






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