The three-year degree course in Chemistry includes a curricular traineeship corresponding to 6 CFU (not less than 150-hour commitment).
Internship refers to activities carried out in companies or external organisations. If the traineeship activity is carried out exclusively at the Ugo Schiff Chemistry Department, it is considered an internal training activity and you should refer to the dedicated page.
The traineeship can only be carried out in companies or organisations that have signed an appropriate agreement with the University. It is possible to find out for which companies the agreement has already been signed, by consulting the page If the company is not listed in the St@ge Service, it is possible to enter into a new agreement.
General information, as well as the persons to be contacted to carry out the traineeship at external organisations and companies, can be found on the dedicated page of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. Informazioni generali | Stage | Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali | UniFI. Information on traineeship abroad can be found at (Tirocinio all'estero | Stage | Scuola di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali | UniFI)
University webpage on Stage and Traineeships Internships | Students | Università degli Studi di Firenze | UniFI